joi, 30 martie 2017

Robertson by Storm

It was a beautiful Saturday morning... oh, wait, it was raining cats and dogs in Sydney, but we were still determined to go and enjoy the evening with our most amazing Australian friends in Robertson. If you don't know where it is, I can tell you that when we were invited I didn't know either. 

"Come and join us, we rented a beautiful wooden log on a hill, in Robertson", our friends, Alina and John, kindly invited us. "It has plenty of space, and you can sleep in the living room!" Living room sleeping sounded a little kinky to me but, hell, why not? We were here to taste the real Australian lifestyle! After a rainy morning in Potts Point, we thought that a rainy afternoon in Robertson wouldn't be so bad.

We hardly found the way, and we arrived there that night only and only because John was kind enough to wait for us at about ten kilometers away from Lloran domain. He was even waiting for us a while because we mistakenly took THE PIZZA on the right as THE PUB on the left, but it's just a small detail. When you have two quarrelsome boys at home, waiting outside some friends in the freezing rain might seem to be a guilty pleasure...

The fall was still there when we arrived, with the beautiful leaves on the ground and an amazing view from the window. The accommodation was in a romantic wood log, with a fire place, cozy coaches in front of the TV, with the above view in the backyard and the forest in the front yard. But the autumn didn't last for too long, during the night the rain grew in intensity and volume, and in the morning everything was flooded.

"The strongest storm" in the last 10 years was just there. In Robertson. And so were we.

First, we checked the next door log, to have an idea for our next visit accommodation. It was water on the floor and the guests were already out from the first hour of the morning. So, it was decided on the spot: it will not be our next accommodation.

Then, the boys had an idea. "Let's go for a ride to check the road, to see if we can get out of here", they said. "Let the girls cook and take care of the (five) kids, and we do what men usually do." 
You know what, and if you don't know, I can share: clearing the road, taking pictures, hunting, fighting sharks. And dragons. 
Kind of heroic stuff.
Which they totally went for.

And this is what they found. 
Can you see the sharks? 
Me neither.  
But they sure are in Queensland, as I heard these days.

The storm was terrible indeed and they cleaned up the paths, so we were able to leave safe and sound in the afternoon.

I have to say that the main reason they left the log that morning was to go and shoot the waterfalls. They sure have shot a lot of water. Falling. From the sky.

The camera(s) couldn't miss from that landscape, as they harvested a lot of pictures in that historical day. 

Finally, let's have a look at the reason they went out that morning!

Meanwhile, in Paradise... we cooked, cleaned, prepared the luggage, read few books, took some painting lessons, knitted few pullovers for the winter and (of course) had some tea and laid on the coach waiting for the boys to come back.

In front of the fireplace, of course.

The kids had their eyes sore from the blue screens, but only after they tortured Bella the dog, of course. 

Two more weeks to go and we'll be there again, to spend the Easter holidays in Robertson. It will be our first Easter in Australia, I will probably cook a lot of Romanian food and enjoy the real Australian fall.