joi, 31 decembrie 2015

On Time and Times and New Year's Eve

It was very long time ago, I was a small kid, about 10 years old, sitting with my parents and some drunk and happy guests on the New Year's Eve, with everybody around dancing and chatting. And, suddenly, deep in my stomach, I realized the year is over, and tears came to my eyes. I had to hide in another room to cry my sadness over the past year, to reflect about how fast or how slow the time goes by, depending on the moments in life. I was too small for this revelation. From that night, nothing was the same. From that night, every single New Year's Eve I dropped a tear for the year which passed.

Years later, I was in high school, in December, with my favorite teacher, just before the Christmas holiday. We talked about dreams and plans for the next year and how we will spend the New Year's Eve. And he told us some surprising words for my (mostly boys) colleagues, but not at all surprising for me. "At midnight, think about time. Think about how it goes, how you will never be able to revive a moment once is gone away. In the moment you'll understand that, and you'll feel sad, really sad, only than you can say you became mature."

Tonight is the night my eldest daughter will spend her first New Year's Eve away from us. She will have fun with her high school colleagues. Sadness is inevitable. Time takes its revenge.

Happy New Year! 
May next year be good and gentle with you!