duminică, 25 martie 2018

One Weekend Away in Jervis Bay

The world is moving, and it’s moving fast. We are caught in its eye of the storm, not even trying to escape, abandoning ourselves to the fast pace and movement. But, once in a while, we need to find a place to recharge our batteries, to be one with the nature, to feel the breeze in your hair. 
Sun in the air. 
Salt on your skin.

To feel the magic of an autumn crisp day with a picture perfect sky.

 We found that place. It's called Jervis Bay. 

Since we've been there, life happened. And it happened for 1 year. One year has passed since I started this post and abandoned it.

I wonder if the girl with the dog is still walking the dog on the same beach.

We were heading South then, we'll be heading North soon for a short battery recharge.

I miss the Ocean, I didn't see it in a while.

See you soon, dear. Do you remember me?