duminică, 21 octombrie 2012

Happy Birthday, Maria Azaria!

October is always a busy month for us, with lots of parties and fun, birthdays, our marriage celebration, best Halloween party powered by Leo Burnett (Bogdan's previous employer), and usually a trip abroad. 

This weekend we had two birthday parties, but one of them is rather special, because it was Maria Azaria's 1st year birthday party and we are her proud godparents. I wrote some other time about traditions here, on Maria's and David's parties last year. 

For the girls, the godmother (that has to be me!) needs to break a cake above the goddaughter's head, also to make her choose some good stuff from the tray packed with tempting objects.

Andreea and Petre beautifully decorated the home for the party.

Those eyes, those eyes...

Here it comes the little princess!

Daddy proudly secures her first steps...

... While her beautiful mommy takes good care to feed her properly.

You can easily see who the star in the house is...

Have you ever seen more beautiful eyes ever?

OK, others besides her mother's eyes!

Runa, as usual, taking good care of children...

... and Radu, giving us a little bit of his funny faces and a doll crown.

We changed Maria's clothes with something more appropriate to her birthday month :). She really is so cute and sweet, you can sweeten your coffee with her smile.

Maria chose the best things ever!



Hors-concours, she chose a lipstick, too :). That's my goddaughter!

I cut a strand from her hair, but she didn't enjoy it as much as the part with the tray gifts...

She'll need a real haircut soon...

The cake was amazing, my mother-in-law spent the whole Friday afternoon cooking it, she always does the strand cakes for me. Did I told you I have the most wonderful mother-in-law ever?

Here comes the godfather! One of the rare moments when his camera is out of his hands, perhaps because Radu took it!

I tried to teach her to blow the candle, but I have to recognize I failed: Radu helped Maria to extinguish it.

She approved the cake, so we took care to finish it faaaast!

After changing her again with some very fashionable clothes (yes, her godmother's taste, I have a passion for leopards lately - can I pair my leopard jeans with a pink tutu? I have to think twice at that), her aunt had a little private party with Maria. 

You know, after so much partying, Maria got hungry. The three fairies above fed and amused her for the rest of the day. 

Sweet little girl, here is some birthday advice for you.

Live simply.
Dream big.
Be grateful.
Give love.
Laugh lots. 

Love, your godmother.

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

Doamne cat de frumoasa este mica albastrica :)