duminică, 25 noiembrie 2012

Studio Photo Session

Waiting for some friends to come this evening for some family photos, we started to try the lights and the settings in our basement studio. Radu joined me, so we had a short and funny trial photo session, with plenty of laughs (Radu and I) and nerves (Bogdan). 

But I really, really love what came out!

vineri, 23 noiembrie 2012

This Moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. {from www.soulemama.com}

duminică, 18 noiembrie 2012

Party, Tamara, Party!

Today was Tamara's birthday party!!! Happy birthday one more time this week, Tami!

She invited us in a special place to celebrate, she had lots of guests, old and new friends, plenty of children from her kindergarden and from her new school, I wonder how she remembers all their names. :)

We had tremendous fun with her special guest: the balloon-soap-maker! 

Bogdan took as usual a lot of pictures, here below is a small selection. I'd love to write more, but I'm dead tired and I fell asleep two times already writing those few words...

joi, 15 noiembrie 2012

Happy Birthday, Tamara!

Six year ago we had the pleasure of being the godparents of a wonderful little baby girl. 
Her mom is one of the most beautiful women I know and there are more than ten years since we are friends. She told me then she always dreamed of having a daughter who will be named Tamara
Her dream became true on 15th of November, so today we are wishing Tami as much joy and happiness as she gives to those who love her!



Aim for the stars, and I'm sure you'll touch the sky. 
I'm wishing you a very happy and sweet birthday, Tami!


miercuri, 14 noiembrie 2012

Atlantic City

Is strange how things can change from one day to another, how life starts over and over, how a storm (or a hurricane) can destroy everything in only few hours. I know it seems like I'm talking about life, but actually I'm talking about the huge disaster from the East coast of the United States.

Is (oh, already) one month since we came back from our short holiday in America, when we spent a couple of days in New York and some others in Atlantic City. The only thing we did it was to relax, unlikely other holidays (when we usually drive and walk all day long).

It was the ocean, the long and beautiful wood boardwalk, the ultra-kitsch hotels, the noise from the gambling machines... 

And it was, of course, the Victoria's Secret's shop from Caesar's Palace, where I splurge all my holiday shopping budget for the next year. No regrets, no, no, no. Money can't bring happiness, the perfect fit bra, yes. Especially when you're double D cup.

Life's beautiful, isn't it?