Sometimes I feel my heart overwhelmed and beating like hell.
It's gratitude and love what I feel, and fear of losing what I love most.
Life was so difficult for me as a young girl, that now I find somehow hard to believe everything is so fine. A big, loving and happy family, good health, the blessing of doing what I like, the stars seemed to have finally lined up for me.
I wake up in the night and loose my sleep, because there is so much running through my mind. I'm afraid that I might wake up in the morning and find that all that disappears, as if everything was just a dream. You might say I don't live in the present, but it's exactly the opposite. I enjoy every day so much, I'm afraid to sleep so it won't finish.
4 comentarii:
no matter what happens in life you will always have yourself...and thanks to all this happiness you are not anymore the one you were in your situation can occur to make you lose who you've become ;-)
no matter what happens in life you will always have yourself...and thanks to all this happiness you are not anymore the one you were in your situation can occur to make you lose who you've become ;-)
so true, 'cause "I'm the sum of my choices"...
După copaci, îmi dau seama că pozele-s făcute pe Valea Prahovei, este? :)
Eu cred că, de fapt, ăsta e secretul: să trăiești punându-ți în fiecare clipă atenția pe momentul prezent. Cu pasiune, cu detașare, cu plăcere, cu bucurie, cu liniște, cu încredere. Fără frică, fără disperare. Astea două le anulează pe celelalte. Totul se întregește perfect doar atunci când frica de a nu pierde ceva frumos dispare și disperarea de a avea ceva în plus - la fel. Le cunosc. :)
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