luni, 5 martie 2012


Yesterday it was my birthday. And I wanted a party. I realized I want a party before yesterday. No guests list, no location, no music, no nothing. I'm such a mess sometimes... And I hurt people I love. And they love me back and forgive me. And celebrate with me without prior notice.

In the morning, when we woke up, all the kids came to hug and kiss me and I had the surprise to receive from each of them some beautiful drawings and paper crafts.

Runa helped Radu to draw a car for me, he filled it with color by himself!

Mara gave me a smiling heart, pink, of course!

Not only a heart, but also a spring drawing with chickens, cats and flowers. And the two of us...

Runa surprised me with a hand made pop-up birthday card! Amazing! 

Runa is incredibly talented and full of imagination, she had the patience to cut out small flowers and stick each one of them on every pop-up piece of paper!

Then, I unpacked the pretty gifts from my kids and my mother-in-law, green and red fashionable stuff, just adorable!

Then, I heard the door bell... it was the most beautiful red roses bouquet ever, from Bogdan!

My favorite flowers, of course! Such beautiful, strong, perfumed flowers!

So, we decided to go together for lunch at Champions restaurant at Mariott's Hotel, called my brother and Bogdan's brother to come, also Petre and Andreea, to forgive me for cancelling Maria's visit to church, and Bogdan's cousin, Alina, with her husband and the girls. 
On such a short notice, I had a very good response rate :).

Runa took some pictures...

Radu took some pictures, too...

We played bowling at the window...

Mara spent half of the time on the window, like a cat...

My brother shared some candies to the kids. After that, they found out where the restaurant candies were and they served themselves... I hope they will welcome us again next time...
In the evening, we went to watch a movie: The Journey II - The Misterious Island, it was fun and entertaining for kids... 

Then, a glass of red wine and little time for ourselves at home (I mean me and Bogdan, of course), answered to some more than 100 birthday messages, and went to bed, really happy and really tired.

I suddenly realized that the best in life is unscheduled, and the love of the close ones is the most precious thing I will ever have. 

Thank you all for one of the best lessons I've learned today, even against my will!

6 comentarii:

Zâna de la colț spunea...

Aaaaah, ce frumos! La mulți ani încă o dată! :-)

The Fairy's Apprentice spunea...

Mulțumesc frumos, Zână Bună!

habarnam spunea...

La multi ani frumosi, mereu iubita si rasfatata! Forte frumoasa ziua ta. Pup cu intarziere

The Fairy's Apprentice spunea...

@habarnam: Multumesc frumos, cu mare intarziere si eu :). Te pup!

Ela Iliesi spunea...

Minunate pozele. Felicitarea imi place maxim, tre sa invat si eu cum se face asa, 3D :)

Unknown spunea...

What a beautiful birthday, and you are truly blessed.

Happy belated birthday!
