luni, 28 noiembrie 2011

A Home Redecorating Project - Entrance Hall

From a very long time (too long) I was thinking about a redo for our entrance hall. Is large and full of light, and our friends Dio and Andreea gave us three years ago an interesting and useful new home gift: a huge yucca perfectly fitted in the middle of the staircase. But in the winter there is not so much light, so its leaves turned out yellow and dry, so I was thinking to find a solution to that.

Last week, since my health wasn't in the best condition ever and I spent lot of time in bed and around the home, I found the time to make not one, but two of my long procrastinated projects.

One of them was, of course, the staircase space. Few months ago, Bogdan and Violeta, our God-sons, brought us a beautiful present, a nice wall clock. I tried to find a space for it, I even replaced two of my paintings in the living room to make a display out of it, but it really didn't fit anywhere.

So, I moved the clock from the living room in the staircase space, instead of the yucca plant, which found a perfect new home near the window, filling the living room with plenty of light and green feelings. 

I filled all the walls around it with frames, with children pictures and some other memories. Our entrance hall became suddenly very warm and cozy, with a very good bonus: we know exactly what time is it in the morning when we need to get out on time with all the kids!

The circular cabinet is bought from Exotique, I have it since we moved in the house, three years ago. We moved it through the living room in few different places, but I think this is the best spot for it. Since is here, everybody notices it and I received lots of compliments regarding it shape and color.

The other project is my craft space in the basement, I will write about it soon. Well, as soon as I can.

marți, 15 noiembrie 2011

vineri, 11 noiembrie 2011

Blog Late Birthday Giveaway!!!

I am really very happy, yesterday night I received many invitations and tickets for Bucharest Operetta International Festival: "The life is beautiful"!!! 
So... because the 1st year celebration of my blog passed unnoticed (and because Tuesday night I'm invited to a dinner out :D), I will give away 4 of them at 2 readers!

Tadaaaaam! And the show is:


November 15, at National Operetta Theater
musical comedy and Russian ballet in three acts,
performed by the ballet of Theatre of Musical comedy from Sankt-Petersburg, Russia.
Plot of libretto goes back to 411 B.C., to Aristophanes comedy “Lysistrata”, in which author showed on ancient stage strike of womenfolk willing to see their husbands at home, and not at the fields of war. Theme of womanish revolt further appears in world drama repeatedly.

To Enter:
⎨leave a comment for each⎬
Follow me ♡

Refer someone to the giveaway: tweet, facebook, email, etc
⎨every time someone enters on your referral they get an entry and you get another entry!
 have them mention you in their comment⎬
This giveaway will end at 10 PM Monday night Bucharest hour

The tickets will be given personally on Tuesday, in Bucharest!

 Good luck!

miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2011

Extremadura Day#2, Burguillos del Cerro and Jerez de los Caballeros

This holiday seems to be so far away now, I prepared the pictures, but I didn't have the time to write anything... They say one image worth a thousand words, so please enjoy the images at least! On a later edit I will write a story about them, for sure!

Every single village we saw in this trip has its own castle and cathedral. The Templier's Castle from Burguillos del Cerro.

duminică, 6 noiembrie 2011

Autumn is in the Air

We had one thing in our minds the entire week: to go this Saturday in the Botanical Garden, to make memories and take pictures with the kids. The weather was amazingly beautiful in this part of the world, sunny and not very cold for this time of the year, and the leaves... oh, the leaves have gorgeous colors, starting from green to brown and going through a full range of yellows and reds.

The Garden is not very big, but the trees and the alleys are pretty and it has some sense of wilderness we haven't seen in others. Or perhaps is just a nice memory of my childhood which makes it better than it is...

The kids jumped and played, teased each other, threw the leaves in the air, took some baths of leaves, shook the trees and caught their falling leaves with their hats, stared at the leaves... everything with leaves :). 

Back home, Radu fell asleep in the car, for about 10 minutes, than he refused to sleep anymore, to my deep disappointment, because when he's awake and we are home, he's stuck by me like a stamp on a letter. For tomorrow we have big plans either, I hope the weather will be equally fine!

In the evening, I put him into bed and went to see "Anonymous", the latest film of Rolland Emmerich, with Rhys Ifans and Vanessa Redgrave in the leading roles. A big and nice surprise Rhys Ifans, a very good composition role and a beautiful screenplay either. Perfect to close a Saturday evening!

vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

This Moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. {from}