"This is the first day from the rest of our lives" I wrote on this blog one year ago.
I can't be more convinced of this now. I mean, this IS the rest of our lives.
It was a difficult year, I won't lie about it. Probably one of the most difficult years of my adult life. Struggling with the unknown, worrying about the basics of life, rooting in a new country, on a new continent, in a new language, this was the most challenging year ever.
We came in Australia one year ago, with all the plans set.
Where to.
How to.
When to.
None of this actually happened. And that was a big kick to our egos and to our strategic capabilities. And yet we are fine.
We are here and we love where we are. We both have jobs, the kids are good in school, the pace is slower and the traffic is easy.
We are more welded than ever before, we trust each other more, we stand for each other, we go through life hand in hand.
3 comentarii:
I think that, if we made it through this year, the years to come will be nothing but better...
Am citit postarea ta pe blog, si ma bucur enorm pt voi...sunteti un exemplu de ambitie si tenacitate, o familie superba!
Va doresc tot binele din lume, il meritati, si continui fraza de mai sus...everything for now on will be fabulous!
Keep watching you, guys!
Stef, Simo & Alex.
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