duminică, 30 octombrie 2011

Last Saturday of October

First, a little random thought from today.
So, today, while we were heading to a children indoor playground, to celebrate one of Mara's kinder-garden colleagues, little bit far from our home, I started to discuss with Bogdan some things. Things had nothing to do with children. Speaking normally, not shouting, not yelling, in a very normal way, but unusual for me when not alone in the car. Then, I realized: our two small children on the back seats of the car were quiet. No screaming, no fighting, no toy cars flying from one to another, no pushing, no slapping.
We both noticed the moment and enjoyed it while it lasted, having our car conversation so much different and beautiful than usual, with the music as background, and two nice children with all the hair on their heads at arrival. 

And now, about yesterday.
In the morning, we had to go to kinder-garden to attend Radu's evaluation. We thought is gonna be with Radu, as usually was with Mara, so we all dressed-up (me, Bogdan and Radu), too early in the morning, and hurried up to be there in time. On the way, I was thinking to call the teacher and ask some details. So, I found up it will be just a report, not an open lesson! We turned back the car, left the boys home to watch together the Formula 1 race in India, and went by myself to see how good description they have about my son. He's so good that he will be moved in a higher level group tomorrow! This is very good news, congratulations for Radu, please!

It was such a beautiful day of mid autumn, we felt like going out in the park for a little bit, despite Mara's special request of going to some Halloween party at the Mall. Well... finally we ended up to the Mall, don't blame me, just to play up some mummy's games and eat some candy floss for free. Then, we left the children home to watch The Lion King and went to see Margin Call, a movie with Kevin Spacey and Demi Moore.

I really hope to have such a beautiful weekend next week either, so we can go and take pictures again in the park, maybe in The Botanical Garden! The colors are awesome, and Bogdan is such a talented and loving photographer.

3 comentarii:

Zâna de la colț spunea...

:-) Bine ai revenit, doamnă! Mi-au lipsit copiii tăi frumoși și veseli.

The Fairy's Apprentice spunea...

Multumesc, Zana!
A fost un weekend de pomina! Urmeaza o saptamana incredibila, dupa asa weekend, nu-i asa?

Unknown spunea...

Beautiful light in this group of photos. Congrats Radu!