luni, 18 aprilie 2011

Is This Really Spring?

My man is back and life is easier again! He faced the jet-lag like a hero and went in the park with us in the morning. He brought from Miami the beautiful weather and today it seemed to me like the first day of real spring. Not very warm, but beautiful indeed. 

We went in Carol Park, a beautiful old park where we use to go very often, and the kids stopped at the first playground and didn't move anywhere from there.

Mara tried all the devices on the playground...

 ... while I was watching with my eagle eyes... or my eagle sunglasses?

Runa went for a short photo shooting with her father, great choice!

Then, they came back to help me with the little ones. We rocked together again and again...

... till Runa got tired, but even like that...

... she kept an eye on her little brother, while he was spinning like crazy till he got dizzy.

And... this is the way spring looks for me.

I'm wishing you a happy spring, with love and beauty and loving people around you!

3 comentarii:

habarnam spunea...

Ce frumos! Ce culori! Ce armonie! Primavara voastra arata mai frumoasa ca realitatea.:)) In poze n-a iesit frigul. :))
Carol, daaaa, ce frumos! Este parcul copilariei mele.
Ha,ha, pe viitor s-ar putea sa ne intersectam drumurile pe la locurile de joaca. Sa retinem "eagle eyes". :)

The Fairy's Apprentice spunea...

@habarnam: Este si parcul copilariei mele, sa stii! Acolo am fost facuta pionier, in fata Mausoleului :). Si dac-ai sti cat am alergat pe treptele-alea... ne-om fi ciocnit vreodata?

habarnam spunea...

Cine stie? Nu mergeam zilnic, dar pentru mine era o adevarata expeditie. Mi se parea atat de mare. Mergeam in weekend cu ai mei. De el ma leaga primii pasi, primele cazaturi, prima vata de zahar :)) Si mai tarziu, adolescenta fiind, prima iubire, primul concert la Arene... Cu siguranta am pasit pe aceeasi treapta, cel putin o data:)))))