At almost 75 km far from Antalya there is another ancient city full of flavor: Side. The city is located on a small peninsula (about 1 km) and is kind of forbidden to enter by car. I said "kind of" because I saw lots of cars entering the "forbidden" area.
Side was an ancient harbor and its name means pomegranate. There are endless and stunning roman ruins all around, including the waterside Temple of Apollo and a well preserved Roman amphitheater, which still hosts colorful performances.
First you should resist the temptations, surpass the cats, the insistent sellers and the sparkling jewelries and toys shops, so you can reach the waterside.
The temptations are endless :)), from drugstores...
... to funny ice-cream sellers (the Turkish name for the ice-cream is "dondurma"), playing with the kids in traditional ways...
... highly decorated Chinese restaurants and shops...
You need to surpass the crowds...
... to buy some toys and more dondurma...
... to gather all your friends in only one picture...
And here it comes the reward, you finally get to reach the harbor...
... at the sunset.
You can go to a restaurant with this view on the backyard...

... but with a total different story from the front.
And, finally, if you leave your friends in the restaurant and make some few more steps, you can find the remains of the ancient Temple of Apollo, a beautiful place filled with a very high energy.
Finally, you can see the last boat going back home, and either you should do...
4 comentarii:
The last picture is astonishing. A big WOW! :)
That last picture IS astonishing. Absolutely stunning and breathtaking! Double WOW!
@Rural Revival: Thank you, Andrea! The place itself is absolutely breathtaking!
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