joi, 15 decembrie 2011

Sneak Preview of Mara's Opera Show

In every year, around the Christmas, the Romanian Opera indulges us with lots of beautiful shows. We use to go with the kids every winter to watch the Nutcracker (and many others), but this year will be very special: Mara will be on the stage! 
She has a small part in the Christmas Eve's show for kids, "Magazinul de papusi" (The Dolls' Store). So I'm really eager to see her dancing!

The costume arrived today, so she wore it and she performed her dance for our eyes only, to our much delight.

The music is from Aida by Verdi: "Danza dei piccoli schiavi mori", a very rhythmic piece of music.
Isn't she such a beauty?

4 comentarii:

Vasile Balaj spunea...

Frumoasa fetita:P, cu siguranta veti trai una dintre cele mai placute experiente din viata unui parinte atunci cand o veti vedea dansand!

habarnam spunea...

E frumoasa foc si intr-adevar, cred ca e o mare bucurie sa o vedeti pe scena. Bravo ei pentru perseverenta. Si noi maine avem prima serbare:)

The Fairy's Apprentice spunea...

@Vasile Balaj: multumim, este intr-adevar o mare fericire sa-ti vezi copilul facand ceva ce-i face placere!

The Fairy's Apprentice spunea...

@habarnam: E un copil extrem de vioi, are dansul si teatrul in sange.
Bafta multa la serbare! Cred ca tu ai emotii mai mari decat el :).