There are 2 weeks since we planned to go out this weekend with a drive-test car, a Mercedes Viano with 7 seats, but due to the cold and rainy weather we decided to make a very short trip nearby Bucharest, to Comana monastery and park.
The test car was huge and the kids were delighted, I was sitting on the back seats with all of them (all three of mine plus Andrei, their cousin), while Bogdan and his brother enjoyed the view from the front row.
Is true, somebody had to drive the car...
Radu was very happy to try the driver's place for few minutes...
...he wouldn't let it go.
Comana Monastery is very close of Bucharest, at about 45 kilometers, and it was established by Vlad Tepes in 1461, as a fortress monastery. It was rebuild and restored several times, but for such an old and interesting location, the roads and the maintenance are much worst than expected.
After we visited the monastery, we headed to Comana Natural Reservation, a gorgeous and savage place, but with no useful maps or food facilities.
The reservation is one of a kind, because it has an interesting micro-clime, warmer and moister than the rest of the area, like a delta. Thank God it was cold, I don't wanna know how many mosquitoes would pinch us there if it was hot!
We might sit for longer, but the kids were hungry and the only restaurant in the area was fully reserved for a wedding (and even if it wasn't, they requested reservation to open it!), so we had to return home. Not before a little adventurous walk through the reed, on a rotten wood bridge, where Andrei fell into the water.
As you can see, no matter how big the car, they always need more space!
On the road back, we saw lots of yellow fields of canola flowers, we needed to stop and take some pictures!
It was the Good Fairy's birthday party last night, so I attended Tribute for a nice magic wand and some good dance music! If felt gooooood!
Today the weather was even colder than yesterday and it was raining almost all the time.
What a bunch of crazy kids can do in a cold and rainy day at home?
Yes, they can sit under an umbrella!
And, of course, on all the pillows in the room! Why sit on the carpet?
Then, they can fight for the umbrella, of course!
Mara can drive a plane and use the autopilot for taking us to Paris...
And Radu can use the curtains as a tent or as a hide... whatever he likes...
I'm looking forward to go at work tomorrow! Or, should I say... today?
2 comentarii:
Ha,ha, voi nu va plictisiti niciodata, nu-i asa? Pare tare frumos din afara, dar stiu ca e foarte greu. Cum faci fata? N-ai nici un ajutor? Ma inspir, ca poate-mi vine pofta de inca unul. Dar trei, e deja peste inchipuiri. :))
Plictiseala e ultimul lucru la care ne-am putea gandi!
Ei, cum sa nu avem ajutor??? Am o bomboana de soacra, care in ultimul an a stat mai mult cu noi, si care ne ajuta enorm.
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