duminică, 19 decembrie 2010

Morning in Tineretului Park

Cold and sunny today in Tineretului Park, so in the morning we took the kids and went outside. We stopped first to buy a sledge from Decathlon (we actually bought 2), then rushed to the park.

 Radu wasn't so pleased in the beginning, I had to take him alone with me for a while, but later he enjoyed the sliding as much as his sister, Mara.

When I told him to close his mouth, he opened it even wider...

I stopped a little bit, exhausted of such a race...

 Bogdan took them both in a line, but Radu enjoyed the race only in a raw...

... as you can see...

Then we changed the places...

 ... again...

 ... and again...

 I really don't know what is heavier, the kids on the sledges, or Bogdan's camera...

2 comentarii:

Zâna de la colț spunea...

Hahahaha, very funny. What did you think? It's not easy to take a great picture. Welcome back!

Camelia spunea...

Tks, inghetata?